Start of the Pennine 100

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Long hours on short days

The last few weeks have been VERY busy!

I am very pleased to be able to say that at long last my website back up and running (with a new Web Designer on board) and can be found again at: We are working on some changes and improvements which will be rolled out over the next few months but in the meantime if anyone wants to get in touch all my contact information is on the site. In addition to looking at Twitter (as mentioned previously), I have been having fun looking at using a QR barcode for future promotional materials. Watch this space!

The results from my speed test with Justin have given me a good base to set my paces for my speed, interval and race pace training. The pace for my longer runs is fine but I am definitely going to have to increase the distances if I am going to enter any of the ultras I would like to do this year.

It feels great to finally be able to get some good consistent training in but getting back training properly while also taking clients for run training has made me realize that I am going to have to be careful not to overload my legs. I can feel that my shins are tight and my knees are a little sore, which is probably my IT bands having a bit of a whinge. I’ve also noticed that this has coincided with me doing more of my training on the roads, so it’s back to running off-road again this week as I do need to keep up my run tally if I’m going to get anywhere near hitting my Jantastic challenge targets with Marathon Talk ( If you haven’t listened to Marathon Talk before then I thoroughly recommend giving it a go – it’s a great place for lively chat, information and quite a few laughs.

On the business front I have had quite a number of new enquiries and I have also been helping with Tom von Kaenel with his training for the Sea 2 Sea Challenge (more about this next time) – hence the busy last couple of weeks – but it’s all fantastic stuff!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

New Year, Old Body, New goals

Well, I have done almost a month of steady shorter and longer runs with the aim of building a solid base from which to begin my training programme proper. I am doing a 10k speed trial with Justin on Thursday to enable me to calculate my VDOT time, which will effectively allow me to set all the times for my programme - from intervals to easy runs. While I have tried to be sensible over the past few weeks while I make sure that I really do seem to have put the problems of last year behind me, I am SO looking forward to returning to a more structured approach to my running. It makes it so much easier to see where I need to put the work in and that I don’t waste effort on the wrong sort of training.
Most of my recent runs have been off road and I do feel that this has paid off. Although the times per mile are slower, I have been able to get out more often as I have had very few aches after each session. It also means that I have been able to put some concentrated effort in at the end of each run by trying hard to pick up the pace in the final mile. All good practice for the last push at the end of a race! I have done a couple of longer runs (up to three hours on the ground or around 18 miles) and given the lack of light at this time of year, these runs have usually involved using my headtorch. I know a lot of people don’t like running off road in the dark but I do find it very focusing running to the beam and I love the sense of isolation it creates (I know – sad!).
I had a really enjoyable run on Boxing Day while I was at my Mum’s for Christmas. My Aunt’s running club always put on a well organised and well attended two lap race over four(ish) miles for those who can get themselves out of bed! I started well but the second mile of each lap was a long slow uphill against the wind and when I came round for the second lap I was done in! I averaged just over 7 min/miles. Not fast but not too bad after a big Christmas dinner the day before and a few real ales (possibly not the best way to taper for a race!).
Away from the training, I have been looking at how to better make use of social media sites to promote my Personal Training business and hopefully you will see the fruits of this research very soon!
Happy Running!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Web site update

Some of you may have noticed that my web site has been down since the middle of December. Unfortunately this is due to a dispute between Oxford Web Consultants and the hosting company which is entirely beyond my control. Despite being aware of the position and assuring me that they are dealing with the issue, so far Oxford Web Consultants have not been able to resolve the situation although I hope that the site will be up and running again in one form or another in the near future.

However in the meantime, please do contact me by e-mail ( or on my mobile (07581 229 393) if you would like to discuss your personal training needs!

Training Plan

Week M T W TH F S SU
1 Rest 6-10 miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 90-minute run 3-hour run (or about 18 miles)
2 Rest 6-10 Miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 90-minute run 3-hour run
3 Rest 6-10 miles, including 2x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP (5:00) Rest 2-hour run 3.5-hour run (or about 20 miles)
4 Rest 5-8 miles, including 3x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 6 miles, middle 2 at MP Rest 1.5-hour run 2-hour run
5 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run (or about 20-24 miles) 3-hour run
6 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run 3-hour run
7 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run 3-hour run, last hour at MP
8 Rest 9 miles, including 3x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2-hour run 2.5-hour run
9 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 miles at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 3.5-hour run, last hour at MP
10 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 miles at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 3.5-hour run, last hour at MP
11 Rest 9 miles, including 3x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2.5-hour run 3-hour run
12 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 5-hour run (or about 27-29 miles)
13 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 5-hour run
14 Rest 9 miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2-hour run 2-hour run
15 Rest 7 miles, including 3x1 mile at MP Easy 5-mile jog 7 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 1.5-hour run Easy 1-hour jog
16 Rest 6 miles, middle 3 at HMP Easy 5-mile jog Easy 3-mile jog Rest: Stay off your feet 50-mile race Rest. (Duh.)

Key:(MP) Marathon Pace: the pace/effort you can hold in a marathon
(HMP) Half-Marathon Pace: the per-mile average of your best half-marathon
(TMP) 10-Mile Pace: the per-mile pace of your fastest 10-miler
Recovery for HMP/TMP: Jog slowly until you feel fresh enough to start the next repetition.