Start of the Pennine 100

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Back into training proper …

My first full week back on the programme has gone well, although the three hour run at the weekend was hard. As ever, I always recover well but I am finding the time on feet challenging at the moment. It probably doesn’t help that the schedule training times I am using are inherited from last year when I was a bit fitter than I am at the moment, but I am interested to see just how far I am adrift from my previous efforts at following the programme. I realize that that this isn’t quite what the doctor ordered, but you know how us runners are – we get competitive even with (or perhaps especially with) ourselves!

Older and wiser?

The answer to this is yes …. and no!
The results of my blood tests show that my white blood cells are a little low and I have a higher than normal Bilirubin count. While the first suggests I have been unknowingly fighting a virus, the second is a bit more of a mystery to me. However I’m being re-tested in a month and will talk to the doctor when the results are through. On the positive side, I have been given the all clear to start my training schedule for the Brecon Ultra – albeit with the proviso that I take things a little easy to start with and build up slowly over the next month. A mate and I have arranged to do a 50 mile test run along the Ridgeway in September, so I’m hoping that my next set of results will be back to normal and that my below par performances have only been a ‘blip’.
The kettlebell course went well, and I learnt a number of new things which I’m looking forward to incorporating into my training sessions with clients. It’s always good to meet up with other PTs and to discuss what they are doing with their clients and how things are going. Although I love what I do, working mostly on a one-to-one basis with clients means it isn’t very often I get to talk to other professionals ‘in the business’.

Monday 1 August 2011

I have week to go before my 48th birthday and as I said previously, I intend getting back into shape for the Brecon Ultra on the 19th November 2011. Last year the team I was competing with (Witney Roadrunners) were the fastest overall, but because of the one hour handicap given to teams which included ladies, we came second. With a slightly different line-up we are going to try again to go one better this year, but there is a very strong field again.

I have had a few rubbish runs over the last few months when I have felt a significant drop in my energy levels. I'm not sure if this is viral or just age creeping up on me!! I've have had some blood tests done to see if there are any underlying problems and the results will take a week or so.

My personal training business is slowly but surely picking up and time is always very limited leaving little time to just lounge around, but I prefer it that way.

I am off on a kettlebell course this week. Although I already use kettlebells extensively, I am looking forward to updating my skills and making use of the latest thinking both with my clients and in my own personal training.

Happy running


Training Plan

Week M T W TH F S SU
1 Rest 6-10 miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 90-minute run 3-hour run (or about 18 miles)
2 Rest 6-10 Miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 90-minute run 3-hour run
3 Rest 6-10 miles, including 2x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 7-9 miles, middle 3 at MP (5:00) Rest 2-hour run 3.5-hour run (or about 20 miles)
4 Rest 5-8 miles, including 3x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 6 miles, middle 2 at MP Rest 1.5-hour run 2-hour run
5 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run (or about 20-24 miles) 3-hour run
6 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run 3-hour run
7 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 3.5- to 4-hour run 3-hour run, last hour at MP
8 Rest 9 miles, including 3x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2-hour run 2.5-hour run
9 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 miles at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 3.5-hour run, last hour at MP
10 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 miles at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 3.5-hour run, last hour at MP
11 Rest 9 miles, including 3x2 miles at HMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2.5-hour run 3-hour run
12 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 5-hour run (or about 27-29 miles)
13 Rest 9 miles, including 6x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 4-hour run 5-hour run
14 Rest 9 miles, including 4x1 mile at TMP Easy 5-mile jog 9 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 2-hour run 2-hour run
15 Rest 7 miles, including 3x1 mile at MP Easy 5-mile jog 7 miles, middle 3 at MP Rest 1.5-hour run Easy 1-hour jog
16 Rest 6 miles, middle 3 at HMP Easy 5-mile jog Easy 3-mile jog Rest: Stay off your feet 50-mile race Rest. (Duh.)

Key:(MP) Marathon Pace: the pace/effort you can hold in a marathon
(HMP) Half-Marathon Pace: the per-mile average of your best half-marathon
(TMP) 10-Mile Pace: the per-mile pace of your fastest 10-miler
Recovery for HMP/TMP: Jog slowly until you feel fresh enough to start the next repetition.